How can I have healthier relationships?
There are healthy relationships in our lives and unhealthy relationships. Realising the difference can take you by surprise. Even asking yourself what relationships feel good in your life, are hard work or make you feel uneasy? Take your time exploring that question and even sit in front of the mirror and say a name and see your own facial reactions, feel your bodies response like tension or warmth.
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How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed?
Being detached from how you feel is one of the first signs of being overwhelmed. Simple questions seem impossible to answer and choices between the most mundane things suddenly rise up like mountains to climb.
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How can I feel calmer?
If you’re asking how to feel calmer in your life then your glass is overflowing. I often ask ‘ if you have a glass and it’s getting full with life such as tasks, responsibilities, stresses how full 1-10 is the glass?’ I often hear 11; its overflowing. This rush or too much going on in your life can result in the smallest thing just adding too much to the glass and suddenly you feel a 15 and can’t complete any tasks, or you’ve got angry, cross, tearful.
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How do I stop giving myself a hard time?
Being amazing at everything and feeling and looking amazing gets you through life, but there is a cost. High standards, often a family motto or a school mantra growing up, can be very useful, and then you get older and more and more responsibility and everything cannot be achieved in a day, no matter how hard you try.
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You have already taken the bravest step by connecting with ‘JUST BE HUMAN’ and accepting ‘it’s okay to be NOT okay. We have many challenges in life and wanting to feel positive in life, have healthier relationships and feel more at ease inside yourself, sometimes needs support.
My name is Katherine Banner and I am here to support you finding answers to those questions in life
-How do I stop feeling so overwhelmed?
-How can I feel more confident in my relationships?
-How can I feel calmer?
-Where has my energy gone?
You matter so let’s start with “Take care of you”
Just be Human is about putting thriving and believing in yourself back into your life. Everyone can release their brave, be challenge-ready and activate resiliency. Sometimes it just takes time to get there.
February 10, 2021
How to see behind telling myself, “I’ll be FINE”
February 10, 2021
20 to 30-year-old professionals prioritising their mental health
January 11, 2021
Making yourself safe from toxic relationships in your life
January 11, 2021
Give yourself permission to sit in the middle lane for a while and see how it feels.